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Trimos rojo


En un mundo industrial donde el control de calidad se vuelve cada vez más importante, Trimos se enorgullece de poder ofrecer una amplia gama de soluciones que responden a las necesidades de medición dimensional. Cada instrumento tiene su aplicación específica y definitivamente resuelve todas las tareas requeridas. Nuestros productos combinan alta precisión, innovación, diseño avanzado y facilidad de uso.
Desde 1972, Trimos ha logrado posicionarse como líder en sus campos de actividad y garantiza un nivel de calidad de fabricación “Swiss Made”. Trimos se centra en 4 segmentos en el campo de la metrología dimensional:
  • Medidores de altura
  • Instrumentos de medida horizontales
  • Instrumentos 3D: CMM CNC portátil y brazos de medición
  • Instrumentos de análisis de superficies
Trimos distribuye sus productos en más de 40 países. Si la calidad es tu objetivo, Trimos es tu socio.

Sistemas verticales de medición.

Trimos V-Line.

The Trimos vertical measuring systems are equipped with the revolutionary handwheel that allows the user to choose between manual or motorized displacement mode.

Use and application.

  • Measuring ranges 400 to 1800 mm.
  • Simple and easy to use graphic interface.
  • Electronically adjustable measuring force.
  • Manual or motorized displacement.
  • 2d, programming, statistics.
  • Wide range of accessories.
  • All possible adjustments without tools.
  • RS232 and USB interfaces.
  • Wireless data transfer (optional).

Smart Reverse Technology.

SmartReverse technology is the result of intense collaboration between Trimos users and our R and D team to optimize diameter measurements.
SmartReverse makes diameter measurement very efficient by clearly indicating reversal points with audible and visual signals. The user is precisely guided during diameter measurement, resulting in a significant gain in measurement speed and reliability.

Sistemas horizontales certificate.

Labconcept Nano.

El Labconcept Nano es una nueva referencia en el campo de la metrología dimensional. Integra 40 años de conocimiento y mejora continua. Es un instrumento notable para todas las tareas de medición que requieren una precisión extremadamente alta.
El diseño sin concesiones de Labconcept Nano ofrece una plataforma ideal y eficaz para comprobar y calibrar todo tipo de calibres e instrumentos de medición. La verificación de las dimensiones internas y externas se realizará como un procedimiento totalmente automático mediante los tres ejes motorizados XYZ y la legendaria simplicidad de uso del software Trimos WinDHI.
El Labconcept Nano está completamente diseñado y fabricado en Suiza de acuerdo con los más altos estándares de calidad. Robustez, fiabilidad y longevidad son nuestros valores tradicionales.
Labconcept Nano combina tradición, experiencia y un fuerte liderazgo tecnológico. Integra las últimas tecnologías de medición y motorización y puede considerarse como el primer instrumento de calibración “full digital”. Una PC normal controla todos los componentes electrónicos. Esta solución de bajo consumo evita el calentamiento y mantiene los costes de energía, mantenimiento y reparación a un nivel razonable. Los rodamientos lineales utilizados en todas las guías han demostrado su superioridad sobre todas las demás tecnologías en términos de precisión, desgaste, rigidez, estabilidad térmica, fiabilidad, protección contra el polvo y mantenimiento. Garantizan una repetibilidad y una precisión excepcionales a lo largo del tiempo.

Use and application.

  • Precision level like no one.
  • Exceptional repeatability.
  • X, Y and Z motorized CNC axes.
  • Software selection of scrolling speed.
  • Measuring force (0-12 N) and software locking of the measuring anvil.
  • Integrated temperature compensation system.
  • Absolute measuring range on all models: 350 mm.
  • Application ranges: 350, 600 and 1100 mm.
  • Measuring parts up to 60 kg.
  • 2 displays in standard package.
  • CNC-controlled measurement even in diameters and threads.

Labconcept Premium.

Labconcept and Labconcept Premium are high-precision calibration systems that meet the most sophisticated requirements.
The up-to-date and well-designed modular concept enables extremely safe operation, facilitates handling and thus increases productivity in the measuring laboratory. Simplicity and high precision have been combined.
This new concept, which integrates a computer and touch screen as well as the appropriate Trimos-WinDHI software with all necessary measuring functions, guarantees the best results. A temperature compensation system and an indicator management system can be installed to improve system performance.
Instruments with a measuring range from 300 to 2000 mm are available, all made in one piece. All measuring ranges are direct, which means that the entire measuring range is available without intermediate adjustment or recalibration.

Use and application.

  • Meets the requirements of all ISO 9000 standards
  • PC with exclusive WinDHI software
  • High-precision measuring system
  • Dimensionally stable instrument base
  • Adjustable measuring force (0-12 N)
  • Wide range of accessories
  • Direct measurement over the entire measuring range

Brazos de medición portátil.

Trimos A-Line.

Trimos A-line portable articulated measuring arms allow extremely easy and accurate 3D measurement.
A-line arms certified to ISO10360-12 or ISO10360-02 allow quality control, inspection, verification of small and large parts. Thanks to an extremely stable carbon structure, all models are light and easy to handle. You can choose from A3, A4, A5, A6+, A7, A8+, A9 and AT models according to your application.

Use and application.

  • Measuring ranges from 250 mm to 9000 mm.
  • Portable measuring instrument.
  • Extremely easy to use.
  • Certified according to ISO 10360-12.
  • They are available in 5, 6 or 7-axis configuration.
  • Electromagnetic brake protection.
  • Laser scanners for 7-axis arms.


Laser scanner.

For complex profile contour scanning, different laser scanners can be combined with our 7-axis arms.
We offer the PreciTrack 3D laser scanner.


Touch-trigger stylus.

The touch trigger probe acquires points by applying minimum force on the measured part. It is very accurate, fast and comfortable to use, it acquires points only by touching the surface, without pushing buttons.

Mechanical probe.

The mechanical probe is the standard touch probe, available with different ball diameters. Points can be taken by touching the part and pressing the button on board the probe body. The smallest usable diameter is 1 mm to guarantee point accuracy, the maximum suggested length is 100 mm.

Laser Fork for tube measurement.

Ideal accessory for quick measurement without direct contact with the pipe. 5 fork sizes available (mm): 30, 50, 80, 150, 200
The smaller forks are equipped with a laser pointer to detect small pipes during measurement. Pipes from 2 mm to 180 mm diameter can be measured with the use of laser forks, larger diameters can be measured with the contact probe.

Floating probe.

A rigid mechanical probe suspended on a spring-loaded spring driven aluminum ring that triggers the probe with a simple touch. Integrated force control avoids applying an uncontrolled load on the part, improving accuracy and repeatability. The control ring is isolated from the probe stylus to avoid thermal shock from the user's hands.

Fixing Bases - Mobile Tripods.

Stable and practical, it is the ideal accessory to easily and quickly move all A-line arms. The tripod is height adjustable (range 900-1400 mm) and the weight of the tripod column is balanced by a gas spring. A side handle allows vertical and horizontal movement of the tripod. A removable, rotatable shelf allows the notebook to be placed next to the measuring arm.

Magnetic base.

This magnetic base will allow your machine to produce the highest quality precision. It will only require minimal effort to install with your machine.